Banner Is a very accurate representation of where i live.
Avatar is a redrawn version by me, original by Beskupehn Espira

Age 24, Male


Joined on 3/10/18

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Redead-ITA's News

Posted by Redead-ITA - November 4th, 2023




Posted by Redead-ITA - October 7th, 2023

From sack and google!




Posted by Redead-ITA - September 21st, 2023


Oh and also Fuel prices from where i live has gone to beyond 2 euros a liter (Diesel included).

Oh and this sudden Post is because discord software app isn't running, if i do post more because of that, now you know!

Toilet Update: Toilet is not broken, Though i have to flush manually, My uncle is planning to purchase a replacement pieces and maybe a plumber, have bonus doodle in the meantime!




Posted by Redead-ITA - September 2nd, 2023

This is My entry for JAMRIOT's Writers Jam with the Prompt being HEADSTONE

My name is Organ Manor, I am 45 years old, i used to be praised, and now i am heading to a grave.

How did it lead to this? well it didn't start with some unfinished business but it definitely started from a misunderstanding.

It was a morning, It was the fourth anniversary of the foundation of the city where i lived, to celebrate people drunk alcohol and threw fragmentation grenades everywhere as part of tradition, I lived in the city for two years now and i got already used to it (with great help from the neighbors).

I was preparing myself to go to work, somebody has to carry road rebuilding material and nobody is risking their life for it, which makes the job quite profitable, after i reached my workplace, i asked my superior for information about my upcoming cargo carrying duties, this had caught the attention of the boss, which he stopped my superior from speaking and if that wasn't shocking enough, he started to ask me if i was crazy to work on this day specifically, my superior had to then interrupt the boss remembering that the company doesn't pay for assurance, after getting this information the boss apologized for the intrusion and let us go.

After getting my order i got in the truck and started to do deliveries, it's mostly the usual stuff: Blast-proof concrete, Micro nuclear generators, Pleasure dolls and Rocks. My delivering day went as well as anyone could have hoped, the truck was fragmentation grenade proof and the cargo was well protected.

The first 3 deliveries went pretty well, but then it came on with the final destination for the day, it was for the Rocks, the company that needed it was one that i never heard before, so i asked one of the clients in regards if before heading, but what they said was not very useful only saying: "It's closer than you think.", i tried asking for more information but they didn't help me much, So the next step was to ask my superiors about it and all they said when asked, they felt surprised on the fact that i didn't know anything about it, still they wrote the directions and thanks to those i arrived at the final destination and what i saw was definitely not normal.

It was a gravestone factory, one that by far would make the Cyberpunk with some distinct Eastern influence look simplistic comparison, the Building looked like a living mechanical monster made of floating golden circles, its eyes were glowing red and acted as spotlights to see, its mouth was formed with half circles that somehow dripped with water (or at least i hope its water), the mouth would open to lead vehicles inside the building.

All of the workers seemed to be dressed for a cult with their long robes and they were all very busy, which makes me think that today is a busy day for them.

Regardless i enter the building and deliver the rocks, 

to my surprise i recognize one of the workers being my neighbor, while i waited for the truck to be emptied i decided to take this moment to ask a few question with him, it was clear by the way he answered my questions that this was not the first time somebody asked, to keep it short all of the stuff seen outside of the building is all for brand recognition, the monster (which apparently is a dragon), the cult like dress code, the dripping water, the main reason all of this is made is because the CEO needed to get shown right in front of those who enter, who are they dealing, apparently it was quite profitable as he is now quite rich, even if that made me feel a little bit of envious i decided to accept it and move on to get on with the job and call it a day, or at least that was the plan, my neighbor stopped me on my tracks before exiting to hand me a lighter, saying "It's a free gift for visitors!" afterward i finished work and returned home to sleep for the night.

The next day i woke up, at first it felt like it was normal until i exited my home, as i then saw a TON of people outside near the front door, when i mean a ton i mean a TON: there was my neighbors, the mayor of the city, My boss etc. 

They all looked at me with excitement, so as soon as i tried to ask why they were here, i get all of my answers from everybody as they start to say "ALL HAIL ORGAN MANOR!" in unison, it made me more confused so i demanded an explanation and my neighbor provided one, the lighter that was given to me is seen by everybody from the city as "the selected", which is like the second coming of God… sort of, legend said that the selected would live for a thousand years (or at least that was what i have heard) and as long as it gets treated with respect they will get a prosperous life, as such they all treated me like i was their king and i could request anything that i desire, so to test it, i ordered that we prepare a feast for lunch at the city hall and they all said "IT SHALL BE DONE!" a lot of people headed there and soon enough begun working on the feast, i order them to take me to the city hall too and they dragged me to the a limousine to get me there, after arriving at the city hall i saw cooks working tirelessly to get the food ready, tables were already set and they were already starting to put plastic cups to for every seat.

from that moment forward i understood i had power beyond what anyone could have imagined and with this power i used it for my pleasure of both me and those who were in need… but mostly me. 

But of course like all good things in life, they don't last forever. The next day after being selected, i wake up in the sounds of chanting, and as soon as i woke up i realized i was in another place altogether, it was a prison cell, i was tied to a metallic bed, but soon after, someone entered the cell, it was my boss, he was silent but sad from what i saw, he started to tell me that i was one of his favorite employees and it was sad to see me go. I gave a confused expression and asked him where i was going, my Boss answers with just "Where all selected end up.".

I was even more confused now, and decided to ask about the "would live for a thousand years" and he responded with just "Live in our hearts for a thousand years" and suddenly i now understood what they meant by "It's closer than you think.".

My neighbor soon after arrived, wearing the cultist robe he uses for work, his entrance put a deafening silence to the room (not counting the chanting), until he himself broke the ice and said that it was time for me to go and with a press of a button, i slid into a chute, one that would lead me falling into a seat in a dark room, my legs and arms were tied up by the seat once i landed, soon after it begun to move, the chanting begun to grow louder and louder as my seat moved forward from there a the dark room, which then it would open up from the front wall to show the light of the sun and from there i saw with my own 2 eyes where the seat was heading… to my Grave.

This was my first time participating for a Writing jam it was fun even if writing in a rush isn't my kind of thing, Still, i am glad to have participated in this.



Posted by Redead-ITA - July 8th, 2023

Welcome to the Sack and Google reboot 2 : No money Bonus Content (god that's a mouthful)


This one is the first one i am actually doing on blog form instead of the usual art post, and for a good reason seeing some of the more Interesting art pieces were not made by me (also i am making this after returning to the beach so if you see some hard to understand stuff, this might be why.).

In any case il start with the small stuff:

Just like the first sack and google: the animatic was done in italian,


in the animatic you might notice that there is a line from google after SB """explains""" how she got sack's childhood photos, that one was scrapped but translating it the line it says "A unknown signal at this moment?"


and some doodles before finishing the animation, this one is less on concept and me fucking around, there might be some unrelated drawings, and yes it's blurry, sorry i am not in the mood to redoit right now


Now the special part @gesumaru 's Redeisgns of Sack and google (the ones used in the thumbnail) i kind of feel bad for not have used more of it, especially since i requested it, but i am at least happy to have put them there now.



NOTE: Might or might not use that redesigns as ideas.


Posted by Redead-ITA - June 29th, 2023

(should note The animation M rated, but the news is not... sooooo)

I am finishing work on the newest Episode of sack and google, this one is a doozy because let me tell you, Do not animate without having the audio ready to use as reference, currently progress has been going smoothly but there are areas in the animations that are just blank in term of movement, that i cannot bloody allow it for the final product.

FUN FACT: this is going to be my first proper Animation reaching the 2 Minute mark (closest i got was on Nerion Radio Problem)!

here is a screenshot!


needless to say though it's a relatively close to the end so it's just a matter of clean up some of the stuff.

future projects that i might attain on doing:

  1. Redead Show EP2.
  2. Sack & Google Ep3.
  3. A Pseudo-Sequel to Gesumaru goes to the love shop
  4. Project i am not allowed to say on this blog post rating(Highly doubt i might even do so).
  5. Make a blog releasing a lot of my work for future generations to check out (Unless people are interested)
  6. Animating a Comic Skit (i have done one but i wasn't happy how it came out in quality look.)
  7. Tutorials?!!?

Inf. Pico vs UberMech 2 (Unless Pico 2 gets released)



Posted by Redead-ITA - May 29th, 2023

Well simply put, i have heard that Twitter ""MIGHT"" stop being visible/functional for Europeans, whether it's true or not i didn't want to risk to loose my art i made there, so i decided to repost it all here, I apologize if i spammed a ton of it but thankfully i archived everything there was to archive!

Posted by Redead-ITA - May 5th, 2023

I have really nothing new for it, but what i do have is mostly is that i updated the download links for my doom mods!

they are now on Itch.io!

that's it really, i have not many other plans for pico aside from potentially optimize the filesize to be smaller right now.

However it that might change in the future.


Posted by Redead-ITA - March 27th, 2023

So why am i so goddamn mad?

well i just want to be done with it, i wanted it to make one of those edgy animations where there is a weird man or ninja or whatever that kills lots of people... like it was the 2000 and all, it's... decent in length but not a minute long however.

I'm probably going to take a while however, because as i am writing this i need to finish the ending, add the sfx and maybe... JUUUUUST maybe... add a song into it, not sure if it would be worth to do so but we will see.


That being said i didn't hate making it, i am mostly just tired of working on it, on the Brightside once i put the ending i will work on some smaller sized animations potentially, was thinking of doing one about that infamous block game that starts with R and ends with X, aiming it to be 20 seconds at least.


and maybe just maybe il work on another shitpost animation with some of my other Japanese friends.


why not, i think it's funny, and my friends like it also.


Posted by Redead-ITA - February 6th, 2023