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Age 24, Male


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Redead-ITA's News

Posted by Redead-ITA - April 5th, 2021

Hey yall, i just wanna let you all know that the pico mod is now heading itself for the testing phase, il be doing some work on getting some stuff being cleaned up!

I am going to profit about this announcement to clear up some stuff for the newbs.

  • This is a mod for doom! Not a game (Just in case if you didn't read the title, trust me you never know)
  • The mod will work on Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 (along with the expansions TNT and Plutonia)!
  • If you need to look up a guide to get yourself into doom you can look up on Youtube!

THIS MOD WILL NOT RUN ON BRUTAL DOOM, but it supports monster mods instead!

  • Mod was made for the zandronum Sourceport (but can run on GZdoom and LZdoom(not tested however) no problem!) however i might consider to change that one to work on Gzdoom only (so i can have less headaches)
  • (When released) You are not allowed to modify the mod and release it without asking permission from me, same counts if you want to make an addon for it, so that once i make a thread about the mod i can put it in the OP so that everyone else can find it easily!
  • (When released) you are free to make maps (without asking me for permission) and share it in the thread, it will also be added to the OP!

Now that i cleared up some confusion (Hopefully) have a screenshotiu_272191_6798695.jpg

Pico is also recolorable for multiplayer sessions



Posted by Redead-ITA - March 31st, 2021

Check my movies, i will release a new one April fools so be ready to enjoy the good shit that is:


Rated M as in Mature.


Posted by Redead-ITA - March 14th, 2021

I have some good news and bad news, The bad news is that my musician that wanted to contribute to the pico day entry had to exit for i suspect real life reasons, he has handed me the audio work he has done so far, I will have to look for other musicians to help out on the main problem which is the lack of music.

GOOD NEWS: I found another guy who can do the sfx and music, he will be working on it for now.

as for the good news, i have posted elseware but i think it should be clear now I have worked with BadTwinZ and Dart-Music to give you this baby for the Funkin Jam: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/784526

give it some votes so that it can get out of the Under judgment if possible!

If you wanna see my work on it here you go!

The second News is that i am working on a Pico Doom mod which i plan to release it also on pico day afterwards.

Here is one of the weapons you will weild with this mod:


Yes i was inspired by postal 2.

I hope to still make it up in time for pico day at least in both!


Posted by Redead-ITA - February 20th, 2021

First i just finish an animation for pico day, and the next thing it happens there is an animation jam for FNF.

oh yeah i did indeed finish the animation, currently just need to finish some extra's for the animation, these shall be kept in secrecy, until the pico day entry gets released.


Posted by Redead-ITA - February 14th, 2021


Man it has been a while, to update yall, progress is getting quite steady and fast, so fast in fact i am planning to add some extra to it, pic related is what i am going to do after i finish working on the animation, it's what you think it is and i hope you are going to enjoy it when Pico day comes around, especially seeing that the animation by itself is around 60 seconds, so some extra longevity won't hurt it.

My friend is getting the sfx part of the project done somewhat, finding 0 license sounds isn't easy.

I do hope that the other guys that are working for pico day are getting there also, wouldn't be fun if we were just the only one to release for the event don't you think?


Posted by Redead-ITA - February 3rd, 2021

The animatic has been done, currently working on making the animation proper, afterwards i shall work on a intro and ending for the animation, it won't last much but i definitely have enjoying making so far!

If everything goes right We might even finish it before picoday.

Also speaking of, i was considering releasing wad news about my work if i ever do it on these blog posts if people is interested on it, feel free to let me know.

Posted by Redead-ITA - January 29th, 2021

in regards of the animation i went from 12 to 30 seconds so far of it in the animatic, you might be asking as to why i took so much time is mostly because i went and decided to actually put the animatic to animation of the first 18 seconds and hit some blunders but i learned my lessons afterwards, what i plan currently it's this Get the entire animatic firstly done and then get to do the actual animation later, also i got myself an musician to help with the music and SFX once i finish the actual animatic and begin the actual proper animation, if everything goes as planned we might be able to release it in pico day hopefully.

as something to help you keep waiting here is a frame of the actual animation.



Posted by Redead-ITA - January 16th, 2021

I am just fucking around with flash 8, and yeah Pico gon be in it.

Have the first 12 seconds of the Animatic.




Posted by Redead-ITA - January 8th, 2021

Il be completely honest, i do not know how to feel in regards of the whole Scouted, but i guess it means i am going to have to post higher quality stuff from now on, i shall still take requests on the request thread, i just hope to make sure i won't let down with the art, or animation.


Drawing related, me right now.

Edit: it's been a while since i was unscouted, to be honest i didn't really care much about it now, but i though i might update yall