Your game makes me hand hurt.
also i genuinely hate the blocking as a button mechanic.
Your game makes me hand hurt.
also i genuinely hate the blocking as a button mechanic.
that's 100% valid. not many fighting games have a standalone button to guard, usually you just move back when getting hit afaik
some tips, if you are animating this on animate to lower the volume of really strong sounds from 100% to 99% because the audio will get butchered otherwise.
Good to know
It would be nice for this to have subtitles for those who don't speak spanish.
like i said. all hades void shorts. It is not 100% canonical
I love the Etalean you got there, it has definitely it's own charm.
How did Sonic found 9 chaos emeralds?
He pulled them from his butt
it's ok, i really do not have anything to say, though 0:16 stick like a sore thumb.
Edit: Now that is fixed here i will rate a midge higher
You improved a ton from last time.
bruh this vid was from a year ago
i see the inspiration to cyriak in your work, this entry could definitelly use some original music, but i won't complain.
Yeah, I was actually thinking of using original music, but I couldn't find a song that fits this animation, so oh well
this can be just an image instead of an animation
edit: No i mean that putting a gif that is less than 15 second isn't allowed in the animation portal, but it would be better posted in the art portal, that really what i meant.
Oh no! I didn't choose your preferred format for a 9 second animation!
Check it for yourself if you want to see how well it renders in an image format:
Banner Is a very accurate representation of where i live.
Avatar is a redrawn version by me, original by Beskupehn Espira
Age 24, Male
Joined on 3/10/18